Friday, April 14, 2006

Oh how things have changed !!!!!

The things that have changed since quitting my job....

Unable to get my nails done a couple of times a month.

I have to let my hair grow and extra inch or two before I cant get it cut.

I cant get my hair colored every 2-3 months! ! ! ! !

I cant shop on the spur of the moment.

I have a lot of time for the gym!! No more excuses!!!

I BROWN BAG IT!!!! I have never brown bagged it in my life! Favorite motto now is "If it aint in my brown bag, I cant eat it" I have lost 6 pounds with the new motto!

I cant get fast food or tacos unless I make it at home.

I'm spending more time with my family

I'm in school full time

don't spend time with friends

I use my CTA pass more than I did in the last 2 years combined.

I cook

I'm on a budget!!!

The worse one of all is NO VACATIONS FOR ATLEAST A YEAR unless your paying for it.

These are some of the changes in my life. For the most part they are good changes with the exception of the no vacation thing and hanging out with friends.

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